Since I took these from a wider board than the original pieces, I actually had less to flatten in prep for the lamination. Almost no shavings required to hit the floor...bummer. I usually look forward to that part.
Now it's time for the glue-up, so we'll see how that goes. I'm not generally very good at laminating, but since these will be small, only four boards, and glued on their faces, this should be a little easier...yeah, right.
Three of them turned out decent, but the fourth? Not so much. There will be a price to pay on that one. They had shifted out of "square" and so now have a twist. I think I'll be making a new leg rather than planing it all down, since I'd also have to change the sizes of the other 3 to match.
Either way, I now have 3 usable and 1 possible. We'll see where that goes when the dust settles and the glue dries.
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