Monday, November 18, 2013

Pencil Holder/Vase Thingee...

I saw something similar in the current issue of Woodsmith magazine, and I figured this could be a fun project. I'll have to take some better pictures when everything's dry, but my wife says she wants it, so I guess that's a good sign...

In Woodsmith, they called it a bandsaw project, but of course, you kind of have to have one of those in order to call it that...There's also had some really nice curves to it that I liked, and may try out on another one using several handsaws, rasps and files, but not today. I had another idea.

Started out by gluing the pieces together. It's essentially 3 pcs of 3/4" stock glued together. Nice and simple. Instead of a solid piece in the middle, it's just sectioned like you were making a mortise. Since I also don't own a tablesaw, it was extremely important that I kept everything nice and square on the bottom. Having to flatten out a whole big section of end grain doesn't sound fun, so each piece nice and square on the glue up is my plan.

Once that hardens a little, it's on to the plane to square the sides up.

Sawing the angles is the next step. I don't know what they are...I drew so many lines and sketches on this thing it was almost a graphite finish...

All of the major perpendicular cuts were done by hand. That gave me the general shape. After that, it was on to the planes again, giving it a little more shape.

And then it was on to the finish. A nice little project that my wife loved, which is always a good thing. Now it's on to make a few more...and adding the cleat to the new shelf...


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